Wherefore have you abandoned Me, O man? Wherefore have you
turned away from the One Who loves you? Wherefore have you cleaved
to My enemy?
Remember how I came down from heaven for your sake. Remember
how I was made flesh for your sake. Remember how I was born of a
Virgin for your sake. Remember how I was an infant for your sake.
Remember how I humbled Myself for your sake. Remember how I
became poor for your sake. Remember how I lived on earth for your
sake. Remember how I endured persecution for your sake. Remember
how for your sake I accepted evil speech, vilification, cursing, dishonor,
wounds, spitting, buffeting, mockery, and the reproaches of the passion.
Remember how I was numbered with the transgressors for your sake.
Remember how I died a disgraceful death for your sake. Remember how
I was buried for your sake.
I came down from heaven in order to raise you up to heaven. I
humbled Myself in order to exalt you. I became poor in order to make
you rich. I was dishonored in order to glorify you. I was wounded in
order to heal you. I died in order to revive you.
You sinned, but I took your sin upon Myself. You were the guilty,
but I accepted the punishment. You were the debtor, but I paid the debt.
You were condemned to death, but I died instead of you.
It was My love and My mercy that drew Me to do this. I could not
endure to have you suffer in such misery. Is this the love that you
disregard? You return hatred instead of love. You love sin instead of Me.
You serve the passions instead of Me.
But what did you find in Me that is worthy of revulsion? Why do
you not want to come to Me? Do you want goodness? All goodness is in
Me. Do you want blessedness? All blessedness is in Me. Do you want
beauty? What is more beautiful than I? Do you want nobility? What is
more noble than the Son of God and of the Virgin? Do you want a high
rank? What is higher than the King of heaven? Do you want glory?
What is more glorious than I? Do you want wealth? All wealth is in Me.
Do you want wisdom? I am the Wisdom of God. Do you want
friendship? Who is more affectionate and loving than I, Who laid down
My life for all? Are you seeking help? Who can help you, except Me?
Are you seeking a physician? Who can heal you, except Me? Are you
seeking gladness? Who can gladden you, except Me? Are you seeking
for consolation in sorrow? Who can console you, except Me? Are you
seeking rest? In Me, you will find rest for your soul. Are you seeking
peace? I am the peace of the soul. Are you seeking life? The source of
life is in Me. Are you seeking light? I am the light of the world. Are you
seeking truth? I am the truth. Are you seeking the way? I am the way.
Are you seeking a guide to heaven? I am the faithful Guide.
Why then, for what reason do you not want to come to Me? Is it
because you dare not approach Me? Who is more easily approached than
I? Are you afraid to ask? When have I refused anyone who asked with
faith? Do your sins not allow you to come? I died for sinners. Does the
multitude of your sins trouble you? My mercy is greater.
Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give
you rest. [Matt. 11:28]