About Us
The Orthodox Church is the original Christian Church established by Jesus Christ in 33 AD. From that time on, the successors to the Apostles, the bishops, have maintained incorrupt this holy faith.
This parish is part of the Genuine Orthodox Christian Church of Greece, under His Beatitude, Archbishop Kallinikos of Athens and All Greece. We follow the old (Julian) calendar and resist the heresy of ecumenism.
Our current American Eparchy is under His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius of NY. Our bishop is His Eminence, Auxentius of Etna and Portland, Oregon. If you are in the Portland area or planning a visit, please know you are most welcome to attend! All services are in English.
Contact Us
Holy Nativity of the Theotokos Orthodox Cathedral
4550 NE 105th Ave,
Portland, Oregon, 97220-3350
(503) 262-6643